
The Metrological Cluster commences The agreements by over 30 representatives of the business and science milieus
The Metrology Cluster, created by the Central Office of Measures initiative, has been designed to build strong cooperation ties between universities, state institutions and businesses. The Cluster is to provide the most cutting-edge metrological solutions to the Polish industry, including the defence industry.
- Today's event is a milestone in the Metrology Cluster creation. THe undertaking is cital for many fields of business, industry and science - said Andrzej Kiercz, director of Targi Kielce Congress Centre, when opening the meeting.
The official members of the Metrology Cluster are commercial enterprises, scientific and research organisations, and representatives of academia and business sector institutions. The participants' list includes the Regional Science and Technology Centre in Podzamcze Chęcińskie, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Kielce University of Technology, the Military University of Technology, complemented with companies - Formaster, Ita, Oberon, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa, Smart Solutions and the Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Kielce. On Monday, contracts were signed both in on-site and online sessions. It has already been announced that more agreements will be signed.
Metrology Cluster for innovation boost
The Cluster's business profile is aimed at broadly understood innovation, creating modern solutions in the metrology sector for the benefit of Polish businesses. In addition, industry and economy support in the field of metrology services are also in the scope.
- Undoubtedly, what influenced the Central Office of Measurement's development, which catalysed its development, was the fact that the project is located in the Świętokrzyskie Campus in Kielce. This will create unique and previously unavailable possibilities for measurement business sector. Not only is this determined by apparatuses' availability but also by the measurement conditions, the opportunity to develop new functionalities and competencies, and enhance the existing ones. We realise that we need to create an effective ecosystem around Polish metrology in order to develop competencies in a rapidly changing world. We need competencies we have not had so far - said professor Jacek Semaniak, president of the Central Office of Measures.
Professor Engineer, PhD. Hab Zbigniew Koruba, the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology, emphasised that the presence of the Polish Armaments Group and the Military University of Technology is genuinely vital. - Metrology is indispensable, necessary for defence systems' operations, for the production of autonomous systems equipped with artificial intelligence. Without measurements, without the latest metrological systems, they cannot function - explained the Rector.
All signatories of the agreement, both those present at the Congress Centre and those online - expressed their hope that cooperation within the Cluster would produce many benefits.