
The cooperation declaration designed to create the Metrology Cluster signed

06 april 2022
The Central Office of Measures, a leading institution in the national measurement system, is actively cooperating with the scientific and economic milieus. The enhanced integration of the metrology community directly impacts further directions related to research and development

The "Metrology - an opportunity and a challenge for the future" Congress organised at the Targi Kielce Congress Centre is designed as a cooperation platform. The platform brings together theoreticians and practitioners representing both science and industry. As many as 32 entities signed the cooperation declaration; the objective is to create a Metrology Cluster designed to support the broadly defined innovation and modern solutions developed for the metrology sector in the Polish industry.

The speakers' list at the Congress includes representatives of scientific institutions and institutions supporting entrepreneurship. In the second part of the meeting, there is a debate on social capital and modern equipment in creating metrological innovations.