
"Employee of the future. Supporting the development of human resources in the Świętokrzyskie region" Conference

21 september 2021
The labour market needs, professional development and running a business - are the main issues discussed during the conference of the Provincial Labour Office in Kielce

Participants of the "Employee of the future. Supporting the development of human resources in the Świętokrzyskie region" conference organised by the Voivodship Labour Office was given a plethora of opportunities; including the benefits offered to entrepreneurs by the National Training Fund and the pilot project under the banner of "Tailored Employee".

The discussion panel on "Employee in the era of economy 4.0" - requirements and competencies" was attended by representatives of various institutions, including Świętokrzyski Superintendent of Education, representative of the Board of the Special Economic Zone in Starachowice, President of the Academy of Entrepreneurship in Kielce, Director of the County Employment Office in Kielce and a representative of the Świętokrzyskie Provincial Headquarters of the VLC.

The second part of the conference was devoted to young people's activation and qualifications enhancement coupled with the issues related to starting a business. The participants of the meeting could see the current microloan offer by the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego; the scheme is targetted at those setting up a business.

The International Conference is held in Targi Kielce's KAPPA Congress Hall.

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